Chapter 143 Copper Chelator Therapy

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  6. Spee B, Arends B, van den Ingh T: Copper metabolism and oxidative stress in chronic inflammatory and cholestatic liver diseases in dogs, J Vet Intern Med 20:1085, 2006. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Twedt DC, Hunsaker MS, Allen KGD: Use of 2,3,2-tetramine as a hepatic copper chelating agent for treatment of copper hepatotoxicosis in Bedlington terriers, J Am Vet Med Assoc 192:52, 1988. PUBMED Abstract
  8. Wiggelinkhuizen M et al: Systematic review: clinical efficacy of chelator agents and zinc in the initial treatment of Wilson disease, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 29:947, 2009. PUBMED Abstract